Conclusion of Military Medical Academy

Conclusion of Military Medical Academy

     The clinic of hospital therapy MMA examined the treatment efficacy of therapeutic (mainly cardiac) patients under conditions of staying in a special ward with shungite coating. The study paid attention to assessment, first of all, of overall therapeutic and psycho-physiological effects of patients’ stay in the shungite ward.

     In particular, an increase in the efficiency and quality of the angina treatment in case of ischemic heart disease and hypertension treatment was observed. Moreover, a comparative analysis of the disease manifestations, the dynamics of the leading symptom complexesenabled to identify a positive impact on the course of the disease, minimize of complaints, which, in it turn, enabled to reach stabilization in a shorter period of hospitalization. The average hospital stay was reduced to 2-3 days, which could be characterized as the cost-effectiveness of treatment in shungite wards. The calculation showed that in case of treatment in a ward with shungite coverage, the cost of treatment per patient could be reduced by 3-4 thousand rubles, and the overall economic effect 4-bed ward operating round the year could reach 0.5 million rubles. This will enable to provide qualified medical care for additional 20-25 patients.

     Improvement of physical condition objectively coincided with quantitative data reflecting the psycho physiological status and life quality of treated patients.

     Hygienic assessment of the shungite ward allowed establishing a decrease in the degree of bacterial contamination, shielding from electromagnetic fields, neutralizationof geological heterogeneity field activity.

     Treatment wards with shungitecoating has a huge advantage in achieving overal therapeutic improvement of cardiac patients and achievement of remission, and can be embedded into a wide practice of cardiology and cardiac intensive care units of medical institutions. An additional effect mechanism may be drug potentiation.

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