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As is known, when water is treated with chlorine, radicals of an organic nature inevitably form in it. Scientists have proved long ago that free radicals contained in drinking water have a negative impact on human health. This phenomenon is associated with the appearance of many diseases, including pathologies of aging and cancer. Shungite perfectly cleans water, eliminating particles of a radical nature from it and showing specific activity.
It has already been proved that Shungite removes blue and green algae, spores, bacteria and microorganisms from water. This property was known even during the reign of Peter I - each soldier had a piece of Shungite in his briefcase for disinfecting water from unsafe sources during the campaigns.
Possessing phenomenal biological activity, Shungite can transfer its properties to water. Water, infused with the Shungite or released from Shungite layers, helps to cope with various diseases that arise due to many reasons including consummation of poor water in the diet.
The unique ability of Shungite to purify water from harmful particles and a number of metals is explained by the fact that Shungite water contains high-activity oxygen. Shungite itself can be used many times, because it is prone to multiple regeneration, thereby able to restore its purifying activity. This is a very valuable and indispensable property.
In the process of water purification, Shungite mineral shows very high efficiency. Having bactericidal properties, it copes well with its task. A similar method was used in the early nineties. In our time, this method is becoming increasingly popular. By its properties of sorption (purification) Shungite is more effective that absorbent carbon: it costs several times cheaper and can be used for much longer.
Shungite is winning popularity in water purification. Many people and even
large companies already use Shungite for to clean water and enrich it with
useful properties. Above you can find a suitable Shungite for water